2023-2024 Indiana Basketball Schedule

The following are the known games for the Indiana Hoosiers Men’s Basketball schedule for the 2023-2024 season. All times are in ET.

If you are looking for previous schedules, Indiana’s 2022-2023 schedule can be found here.

2023-2024 Indiana: 0-0 Overall (0-0 Big Ten)

2022-2023 Indiana Basketball Schedule
Date Opponent Result/TV Time (ET) Location
10/29/2023, SunIndianapolis (Exh.)B1G+ 1:00 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
11/3/2023, FriMarian (Exh.)B1G+ 6:30 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
11/7/2023, TueFlorida Gulf CoastBTN 6:30 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
11/12/2023, SunArmyBTN 7:00 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
11/16/2023, ThuWright StateBTN 7:00 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
11/19/2023, SunConnecticutESPN 1:00 PM New York, N.Y. N
11/20/2023, MonTBDESPN TBD New York, N.Y. N
11/16/2023, SunHarvardBTN 4:30 PM Indianapolis, Ind. H
12/1/2023, FriMarylandBTN 7:00 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
12/5/2023, TueMichiganPeacock 9:00 PM Ann Arbor, Mich. A
12/9/2023, SatAuburnESPN2 2:00 PM Atlanta, Ga. H
12/16/2023, SatKansasCBS 12:30 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
12/19/2023, TueMorehead StateBTN 6:30 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
12/21/2023, ThuNorth AlabamaBTN 8:30 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
12/29/2023, FriKennesaw StateB1G+ 6:00 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
1/3/2024, WedNebraskaBTN 9:00 PM Lincoln, Neb. A
1/6/2024, SatOhio StateFOX 8:00 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
1/9/2024, TueRutgersPeacock 7:00 PM Piscataway, N.J. A
1/12/2024, FriMinnesotaFS1 6:30 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
1/16/2024, TuePurduePeacock 7:00 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
1/19/2024, FriWisconsinFS1 8:30 PM Madison, Wis. A
1/27/2024, SatIllinoisFOX 3:00 PM Champaign, Ill. A
1/30/2024, TueIowaBTN 7:00 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
2/3/2024, SatPenn StateFS1 12:00 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
2/6/2024, TueOhio StatePeacock 7:00 PM Columbus, Ohio A
2/10/2024, SatPurdueFOX 8:00 PM West Lafayette, Ind. A
2/18/2024, SunNorthwesternFS1 3:00 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
2/21/2024, WedNebraskaBTN 8:30 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
2/24/2024, SatPenn StateBTN 12:00 PM University Park, Pa. A
2/27/2024, TueWisconsinPeacock 7:00 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
3/3/2024, SunMarylandCBS 2:00 PM College Park, Md. A
3/6/2024, WedMinnesotaBTN 9:00 PM Minneapolis, Minn. A
3/10/2024, SunMichigan StateCBS 4:30 PM Bloomington, Ind. H
3/13-3/17/2024, WedBig Ten TournamentTBD TBD Minneapolis, Minn. N