BLOOMINGTON, IN – On Monday, Sept. 27 the Indiana Hoosier men’s basketball program took part in their yearly media day to kick off the 2021-2022 basketball season. The afternoon was filled with photos, interviews, positive energy and so much more. So, lets review what was said by coach Woodson and players throughout the evening.
First up to the podium was first year head coach Mike Woodson. The former Indiana Hoosier point guard spoke on everything from their recent trip to the Bahamas to winning a national championship and bringing back IU men’s basketball to the top.
“We are here to win a Big Ten title and national championship title,” Woodson said. “If you are thinking anything else there is no reason to play.”
When speaking on the overseas trip to the Bahamas Woodson was quick to mention that he did not particularly care what the results were. Of course, he was glad the team came back to the United States with two victories, but he really wanted to see how well they picked up on the things he had taught them before departing.
“I needed that [trip to the Bahamas] …we needed that,” Woodson explained. I thought the trip was pretty successful. I just want to make sure these guys attained something that we were doing that was positive.”
Woodson also mentioned that the defense is still far ahead of the offense when looking at this team.
Look at that as a positive.
Woodson spoke on not having implemented more than just a few offensive sets up until the time of his interview.