Indiana regulators are reportedly pushing to launch sports betting on September 1. In particular, Indiana wants the sports betting system in place for the beginning of the NFL season on September 5.
Previously, it was thought that sports betting would not be ready until mid-to-late September, but rumors are that the state is doing everything it can to have it in effect for September 1, which is the first day possible under the new law.
Indiana became the 10th state to legalize sports gambling in May. Betting will eventually be available both at retail locations (casinos, racetrack casinos, and off-site betting shops) and through mobile gambling; however, it seems that mobile gaming will not be available at the launch.
At the beginning of this month, Indiana also released a draft of regulations to govern sports betting.
The general public and industry insiders can submit comments, critiques, and recommendations for the proposed regulations up until August 1, after which the regulations will be finalized.
There is one potential issue to watch moving forward. There were rumors that the Indiana Gaming Commission is reviewing whether betting should be prohibited at the actual site of the event. This would be done by creating a temporary “dead zone” through the use of geolocation technology to prevent gambling at the actual stadium itself. This is just a consideration at the moment. Many feel this could harm attendance as some may be more likely to watch from a bar or at home where they could continually bet on the game, instead of attending the game but being prohibited from gambling.
A few other notable details about the regulations were released, including: a prohibition on gambling on esports or amateur sports if the individuals are under 18, the creation of the Sports Wagering Integrity Monitoring Association (SWIMA), a tax rate of 9.5% of adjusted gross revenue, and an affirmation that wagering on Indiana college teams is allowed (unlike some states).